Fan-Expo Prelude: Oh Sam…

Photo Credit: HBO

Oh Sam.

Sam Sam Sam…

When he was scheduled to appear at last year’s Fan Expo in Toronto, I was immensely disappointed because I had booked a trip to NYC for that weekend already. Being my favourite from Bon Temps since the beginning, I was sad that I’d be missing his Toronto appearances. When he then cancelled last year at the last minute (albeit due to the birth of his twins), all was understood.

This year’s Fan Expo then comes around and I see he’s scheduled again. I didn’t plan my vacation for that weekend this time so that I could attend. Frantically trying to find out which days he was going to be there, the Q&A and photo-op… I kept trying persistently to find out why his name wasn’t on the pre-buy for the photo-ops while people at Fan Expo kept saying that they’ll check with Conaddict (the ones running the pre-buy), that Conaddict will update the site later, and/or I can get it at the show. Since I couldn’t get a straight answer from anyone, and I was going to go on Friday anyway I ended up splurging on the 4-day pass.

Little did I know that all would explain itself 5 days later when it was announced that he had cancelled. Again. 2 years in a row. This time “due to professional commitments”. How these “professional commitments” weren’t known prior to less than a week before the show is beyond me. How this appearance doesn’t count as a “professional commitment” since you’re committed to going as a representative of your profession is also beyond me. As you can imagine, there are quite a few fans upset by this news. While I bought the 4-day pass with the main purpose to catch him, at least I’m in the Toronto area. Others are flying in from out of town, staying the weekend, and with Sam’s cancellation adding onto the already growing list of others that have bailed out (Patrick Stewart, Jennifer Carpenter…) I understand that these things can be out of the organizer’s control but there has to be a better way to handle it. Especially if people are throwing TONS of money at this weekend’s event for the main purpose to see their favourite star only to have them cancel, I would definitely be pretty upset.

The saving grace, and some would argue that they’re an even better choice anyway, is that there are quite a few stars I still want to see there. James Marsters (Spike on Buffy/Angel), Nelsan Ellis (Lafayette on True Blood), William B. Davis (X-Files‘ Cigarette Smoking Man!) and the other person I was equally as excited to see as Sam, Ms Agent Scully herself – Gillian Anderson! (My original first draft of a schedule before Sam cancelled… quite the busy Saturday!)

Sam Trammell, you have now been added to my Polkaroo list.

Polkaroo List

  1. James Marsden
  2. Sam Trammell
(for the younger ones not of my generation, Polkaroo was from a kid’s show where the male host would run off & dress up as him. The female host would interact with Polkaroo and when the male comes back, he’d say “Polkaroo was here? and I missed him again???” [video clip] ) 😛


  1. Hahaha love the Polkaroo list!! A bunch of my friends last year were pretty disappointed when he cancelled too. I’ve never watched True Blood (maybe I should!) but I guess that’s kind of a good thing otherwise he’d end up on my polkaroo list too!

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